Paradigm Shift: SaaS/Cloud Computing Workshop

Taller SaaSLast week, I finished one of my SaaS workshops.  Eight people registered (from four companies) to learn about SaaS models that have worked, different options of revenue streams and use new tools to get to a concrete set of actions to execute and develop a SaaS offering with much more chance of success.

Some of the quotes from the attendees: “The workshop confirmed to me that my understanding that continuous innovation in business is a reality”, “We now have tools to create a solid SaaS plan”, “We learned a ton!”, “The workshop allowed us to plan everything we need to plan,”the learnings from the workshop will allow us to convert our abstract ideas to concrete plans,”we now have new ideas for SaaS initiatives which we never had planned.”

In Latin America, Venture Capital is still scarce for startups, so there’s a big chance that the trailblazers will come from existing companies with profitable revenue streams.  Nevertheless, there are already startups (such as JoinCube) that are off and running with their initiatives.  This workshop is designed to get the group learning from each other and provides some conceptual models for team members to exchange ideas in order to, first, develop an original plan and, secondly, to iterate or “pivot” quickly as the project starts to take flight.

I will be giving this workshop in Colombia and then in other countries.  There are two versions of the workshop.  One is focused on developing SaaS offerings.  The other is for employees of large companies in Latin America interested in taking advantage of digital innovation and understanding how, as John Hagel espouses in his white paper on the “Shift Index”, digital technologies are transforming industries such as banking, retail, tourism and media.  Participants will make use of new tools to develop innovation initiatives for their companies while becoming literate on the “new world” that has come into being through digital technologies.