All posts tagged vivareal

  • Traits of successful startup founders outside of Silicon Valley

    Founder Institute Colombia mentors I think few would argue with the affirmation that creating a startup in Silicon Valley is a different experience versus creating it anywhere else.  Sure, building a successful business presents the same challenges, but the environment in Silicon Valley provides many benefits.  Nonetheless, everyday there are more and more examples of successful startups created elsewhere.  From SnapChat in Los Angeles, Etsy in New York to Allibaba in China and Flipkart in India.  These founders have a lot of the same characteristics even though the environment where they create their companies is a dimension away from the environment in Silicon Valley.

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  • Colombian Startup Ecosystem mentioned in Forbes

    Colombian_StartupsI tell ya, what a difference a few years make.  About two years ago, Adeo Ressi, founder and CEO of the Founder Institute, acquiesced to opening a chapter of this startup incubator in Colombia, I was able to commence from pretty intense work in developing an ecosystem in this country.  Even though there have been some Colombian startup success stories headed by people such as Andres Barreto, Juan Diego Calle, Martin Schrimpff and Jose Velez whom I mentioned in a VentureBeat article at the end of 2011, the term “Colombian startup” has been closer to being an oxymoron than many here would like to admit, but things are slowly changing and, today, Forbes published an article about Adeo Ressi and the Founder Institute where the Colombian chapter is discussed.

    This isn’t the first time that Adeo has mentioned Colombia in the press.  After visiting Colombia for the first time and then returning to kick-off the first Founder Institute semester here, he came away from the experience with a fondness for the country.  He’s also mentioned the impact that the Founder Institute is having in Colombia in interviews with the New York Times and Businessweek, among others.

    Although I’ve mentioned several times that the Colombian ecosystem still has a ways to go when compared to other countries in the region such as Brazil, Argentina and probably also Chile and Mexico, there’s a growing group of competent people in-country laboring push Colombian entrepreneurs to new heights.  I have written a number of times about the ecosystems of Argentina and Brazil as well as new startups in Argentina such as Joincube and others such as Smowtion and Brazilian players such as Compra3 and even from Venezuelan uber startup guy, Hernan Aracena.   Nonetheless, these countries have already created some leading startups such as MercadoLibre and Buscape, among others.  Thus, I’ve always been cognizant of the fact that the efforts in Colombia are the ones that most need visibility within the the global market.

    Starting in 2009 with an article I wrote for VentureBeat on LetMego, a startup from founders Alex Torrenegra and Leonardo Suarez, I was able to start things off. After this, VentureBeat went on to publish my article on real estate portal VivaReal not only on their site, but also in the digital edition New York Times right before that company started raising an important round of funding and explosive growth.  Later, I was able to highlight Zio Studios’ funding round in 2011.  Aside from this, when interviewed for publications such as Inc Magazine, I don’t miss the chance to promote the reasons why investors should think about Latin American startups.

    Ok. Well this has all been well and good.  Promoting the Colombian and Latin American ecosystem is important as is educating local entrepreneurs on the basics of creating a viable startup.  Nonetheless, my efforts in this respect have an egotistical motive and an attempt to solve a curious problem: myy desire to run an investment fund while living in a country that I’ve grown fond of (and gave me a beautiful wife and children), but that didn’t have a viable startup ecosystem. Hence, two years ago, I started the promotion phase (highlighting existing successes and educating potential entrepreneurs) and am now ready to start a more “meaty” phase of working full-time to develop strong startups, which I also recently wrote about.

    As I mentioned, since working as a Strategic Investment Manager at Intel Capital, my goal has been to create my own fund and fund companies which I feel can become high impact startups.  During that stint, I presented four companies in one year to the investment committee at headquarters in Santa Clara, California (quite uncommon in Latin America at the time).  This, even though I was unable to present one of the deals I was most enthused about (it was counter-intuitive at the time).  I was even reprimanded by my bosses for suggesting it (the company went on to be wildly successful).

    Probably the most rewarding experience was working with a company called JackBe that we didn’t fund during my tenure, but that I advised to change their business being a technology provider within the Pharma industry to becoming a tools company.  Since then, I’ve felt my path lay in funding and working with startups.  In order to accomplish this while living in Colombia, I’ve had to develop a step by step strategy.  I’m about midway through a strategy, which, every day gets closer to becoming reality. :)

  • The Tropical Future

    Tropical FutureIt’s been quite a week.  I was finally able to write about a VC round closing in Colombia.  A local VC actually closed a $1.3M series A round with social gaming company, Zio Studios, based in Colombia.  This has been the talk of the town down here since VC investing is pretty non-existent here (although, private equity investing is pretty well-established).  It’s really another example of how things are changing making geography less of an obstacle and more of a choice of life.

    Last week, I also wrote in a local portal called KienyKe about the stuff going on in the Middle East with the toppling of Mubarak in Egypt and the turmoil in the other countries.  In this new world we’re living in, if entrepreneurs aren’t connected to other world-class entrepreneurs and investors, it’s almost becoming a matter of choice.  As I said, geography is becoming less of an obstacle.

    Even within the Latin American region, digital strategies that target the whole region used to emanate from countries such as Brazil and Mexico and, on occasion, from Argetina (Mercado Libre) or Chile.  Nevertheless, now companies such as PagosOnline with their Latin American Payments (see video) strategy and VivaReal are targeting Latin America all from a headquarters based in Colombia.

  • Inversiones y Startups en America Latina

    Ayer tuve una conversación muy interesante con un reportero de una revista muy famosa de emprendimiento de estados unidos.  Me estaba preguntando mas sobre lo que está detrás de mis escritos en varias publicaciones sobre inversion global y particularmente en America Latina.

    Le comenté que, en mi opinion, inversionistas grandes como Naspers (Sud Africa), Tencent (China) y DST (Russia) que están invirtiendo, algunos, en empresas como Facebook a la vez que invierten en empresas en paises emergentes es una tendencia que pienso que se va acelerar.  Estos inversionistas (fuera de EEUU) traen con ellos una experticie muy especial de reconocer valor en mercados emergentes.  Jugadores de EEUU como Tiger Management tienen la misma experticie y veo a los Venture Capitalists tradicionales mas y mas apareciendo en Brasil para estar a la par.

    Acabo de tener una tele conferencia con una organizacion de inversionistas global y estos están bastante interesados en America Latina.  Les di unos comentarios sobre como yo veo el panorama y unas sugerencias de que ayudaría mucho al ambiente de inversion acá siendo una de las cosas primordiales capacitacion (especialmente en Colombia) para inversionistas interesados en analizar proyectos de startups.  Quedamos en vernos en Texas en el evento de South by Southwest en Marzo y hablar mas sobre el tema.

    Cada día hay mas compañias como VivaReal, Smowtion, BT Buckets con estrategias regionales o globales que están creciendo.  Tambien, nuevas empresas como Pe2, Fisgo, Compra3 y otros tienen excelente potencial.   Todo esto indica que el ambiente de startups en America Latina está experimentando una transformación profunda que se va notar en los siguientes años.

    Por otro lado, parece que conseguí un lugar para ejecutar el evento de Marzo 3 con Adeo Ressi, creador del Founder Institute. Adicionalmente, parece que vamos a tener la posbilidad de tener el evento en streaming por Internet para las personas de otras ciudades y otros paises lo cual me tiene muy contento.