All posts tagged start-up

  • Building from the core

    coreI had a great conversation yesterday with someone, like me, who isn’t originally from the region (Latin America), but who has found a new home here.  He was visiting Colombia and has been an entrepreneur in Latin America for more than four years and had some really tough going, but like any excellent entrepreneur, he stuck it through.  The result is that, today, both he and his original angel investors experienced a nice exit as his company was sold to a much larger one.

    This is a great story, but it’s just great to sit down and talk with people who are super sharp and, at the same time, down-to-earth and open.  Within this journey through the start-up scene in Latin America, it’s been incredibly heartening to discover a core group of amazing individuals, who are also great people to be around.  Some are originally from outside the region, but not all and all.

    A common thread is that we all see amazing opportunities for creating start-ups in Latin America as well as the potential for developing a new seed fund to nurture more and more of these start-ups.  He, correctly, mentioned that we should somehow coordinate our activities more among different countries in Latin America.  It definitely makes sense to think about building a core group of sharp individuals in Latin America interested in, among other things, funding and developing new start-ups. We’ll see how this develops.

    Additionally, yesterday, I had great video conference with a smart and funny colleague in Argentina about his interest in expanding his company footprint throughout Latin America.  Also, I chatted with some buddies in Austin about an upcoming panel over there on the start-up environment in Colombia (I’m rounding up some interesting panelists).  Well, gotta cut this short, because I’m off to Barranquilla this morning to visit another interesting company.

  • Mi Rol en la Vida

    Todavia recuperandome de esta gripa pero ya me siento mejor.  Ayer, tuve varias confirmaciones que mi persistencia (o es terquedad?) en impulsar iniciativas comienza a dar frutos.  Tuve dos reuniones excelentes con organizaciones grandes que quieren apoyar mi iniciativa con el Founder Institute.

    Es muy satisfactorio ver el mismo entusiasmo de personas de otras organizaciones por una iniciativa que me entusiasma a mi.  Adicionalmente, ver esto es una validacion de mi vision sobre “tech startups” en Colombia lo cual no necesariamente tenía que coincidir con la de otros.  Pero es bonito cuando así es.

    Fuera de esta iniciativa, tuve dos noticias que me alegraron mucho sobre unos resultados de trabajos que he estado haciendo.  Todo esto me ha hecho pensar sobre lo que me encanta hacer en esta vida.  Conclusion: me encanta desarrollar nuevas iniciativas como la de startups y la de innovación digital.  Esto puede ser nuevas empresas, nuevos mercados, nuevos modelos de negocio, nuevas tecnologias o todas juntas.  Antes lo hacía para otras empresas como Intel, Oracle, etc. con resultados que me daban mucha satisfaccion pero nada como la que siento hoy en día por lo que estoy haciendo ahora.

    Creo que lo que me gusta de todo esto es que tiene un aspecto de ejecucion y un aspecto de creatividad con un componente adicional que es extremadamente importante para mi: resultados medibles. Para la inciativa del Founder Institute, esto significa, primero, que se ejecute y que tengamos “founders” Colombianos de alto nivel que se graduan pero el resultado mas objetivo va ser un incremento en startups de alto nivel é incremento en inversiones directamente relacionados con este programa.   El tiempo lo dirá. Lo ambicioso es lo divertido.

    Cuando analizo como está mi vida en este momento me pregunto solo una coas: porque no tuve los cojones de hacer esto (ser empresario) antes?  Mentiras. No me pregunto eso porque la pregunta tiene la respuesta incoroporada (no tuve los cojones). :)  Mas bien me ha dado una leccion de vida que uno escucha mucho: “haga lo que disfrutas/amas y todo saldrá bien.” Si eres una persona mas joven que yo (hablo de 99% de la población), hagame caso y haga lo que amas pero no me lo cuentes porque me vas a deprimir.

  • Digital Startup Ecosystem in Colombia – Bogota Meetup

    Bogota AVC MeetupWell, it’s been quite an active week. I had the good fortune to talk with Arturo and Omar from about the state of Digital Innovation in Latin America (according to moi). If you wish, you can listen to the podcast where I discuss my Incubator project and the fact that I’m still at the initial planning stage.  I also gave a radio presentation to a local station called RCN where I spoke about Digital Innovation in Latin America. I made this presentation utilizing the web platform called

    Finally, one of the sharpest Venture Capitalists and Angel Investors in the business (according to moi), Fred Wilson, is promoting a global series of Meetups to talk about start-ups.  Please join me next week by clicking on the widget below so we can all meet in person and discuss the current start-up environment in Colombia and Latin America and what we can do to accelerate the creation and growth of innovative digital start-ups.   See ya next week!