All posts tagged argentina

  • Brasil está Hot, Hot, Hot!

    Brazil HotLa actividad de startups y de inversiones está mas caliente que nunca en Brasil.  No siendo suficiente que al final del año, Tiger Management y Accel Partners invirtieron USD $30M en Vostu é Insight Venture Partners invirtieron dinero en Mentez, dos emprendimientos de juegos sociales en Brasil.  Ahora, vienen las noticias que que la empresa de compras en grupo, Peixe Urbano acaba de recibir una inversion de una de las firmas de capital de riesgo mas pregistiosas en EEUU, Benchmark Capital. Conclusion: Brasil está caliente o “hot! hot! hot!”

    Sólo llevamos 6 meses desde que escribí ese articulo para VentureBeat y sobre el hecho que empresas de Web de EEUU están adquiriendo empresas en America Latina. Ahora, las firmas de capital de riesgo están mirando tambien a Brasil, Chile y Argentina pero Brasil es, por lejos, el circulo grande en sus pantallas de radar.

    Todo esto es una tendencia global donde nuevos jugadores están “disruptando” (cambiando las reglas de juego) empresas establecidas en industría tras industría incorporando tecnologias de la web (mobile y otros) dentro de sus propuesta de valor único.  Estos jugadores nuevos entran en mercados con modelos de negocios mas competitivas y comienzan a tomar mercado de las empresas tradicionales en industrias como el comercio, medios, servicios financieros, entretenimiento y mas.

    Hay una variedad de razones por la cual Brasil está liderando en America Latina incluyendo el tamaño de mercado, las inversiones en infraestructura y la creciente importancia de esa economía a nivel global.  Sin embargo, otra razon tiene que ver con los Brasileros mismo (su profesionalismo, creatividad, vision de negocios y su capacidad para ejeuctar) y ahi es donde otros paises en America Latina puede aprender (aunque pienso que los chilenos y argentinos están manteniendo la suya muy bien).

  • Want to Produce Great iPhone Games? Argentina has the Tools You Need

    My conversation with Ricardo Quesada, creator of Cocos2d iPhone Games Development Platform

    Ricardo Quesada of Cocos2dIt’s not every day that you get to talk to a top iPhone tools developer who also is a unicyclist.  Ricardo Quesada is unique Argentinean who’s made digital innovation part of his professional life for more than 10 years. After leaving his post at a top security software firm called Core Security Technologies (founded in Argentina), Ricardo decided to jump into something he had always found fun, creating games.

    After some jam sessions with some buddies who shared his passion for the Python programming language as well as creating games, a game development platform called Cocos2D began to take shape as an open source project.  Though their initial focus was creating games for the PC, when Apple released the production version of the iPhone Software Development Kit (SDK) by 2008, Cocos2D had already been ported for that platform and was rapidly gaining fans all over the globe (e.g., US, Europe, Japan, China, Korea, etc.).

    By the end of 2008 at least 40 iPhone games developed using Cocos2D were available with some of these hitting the Top 10 list.  Around May of 2009, Stick Wars, developed with the Cocos2D framework was the number one selling app on the Apple App Store for three weeks making it one of the best selling apps.  Fortunately, such successes have resulted in donations to the open source project from grateful developers.

    Thanks to improvements that Ricardo and the active Cocos2D community continue to make, this framework continues to add functionality on top of an already impressive OpenGL graphics engine and developer-friendly design. In January 2009, The Registered voted Cocos2D the number one open source project for the iPhone.

    All of this is a testament to Ricardo, a talented developer committed to following his passion, as well as a growing community of professionals (technical and otherwise) in Latin America who understand that the world has changed.  The Internet is an instant onramp to a global marketplace of ideas and opportunities no matter where you happen to reside. Entrepreneurs like Ricardo realize that old paradigms of emerging world professionals being content with less interesting challenges are no longer necessary when you can instantly have access to the global marketplace.

    Though is only at version 0.8 with the Cocos2D framework, he is working feverishly to get it to level that he feels will deserve the 1.0 designation.  From a business perspective, it will be interesting to see where he takes the business model, which today consists of selling some sample code that he developed when he was creating his own games with the framework.  For the moment, he is intelligently focusing on making sure he is attending to the needs of his developer users.

    Nevertheless, one can’t help speculating the possibilities for creating a commercial version with strong collaborative features that could enable developers and non-developers at disparate locations to quickly brainstorm, prototype and develop new games.   Another target audience, in the future, may even be digital agencies without deep game development expertise looking to quickly and collaboratively prototype game concepts for their clients within new marketing initiatives. Whatever develops, one thing seems to be assured: Ricardo will have a lot of fun.