Lulo wants to make business sweet

OnLuloOne of the companies that we’re accelerating at Socialatom Ventures is called Lulo.  That happens to be the name of a tropical fruit as well as a new startup focused on making running a small business fun.  They’re starting out with the sales process and, although us techies like to talk about terms such as CRM and Marketing Automation, they’re objective is to provide the simplest and easiest to use tools to nontechnical business owners.  Sure, they’ll include functionality that crosses some product categories, but that doesn’t mean that their target customer will be interested in such categorizations.

The company was founded by Andres Felipe Chavez, CEO, and Javier Santiago Lozano, CTO.  Both are in their early 20’s with a passion to create an impact on the small business sector.  They’re families are small business owners and Lulo is the result of the lack of high quality web tools for nontechnical business owners.  Though companies such as SohoOs and Xero are also targeting this segment, both believe that the space still holds much promise.

They are constantly improving the project and have opened the beta program up today.  If you’re interested in providing direction to the team on how to improve this product, please sign up for the beta program.  There are 30 invites for readers of TropicalGringo and you can click here to get your invite.  You can send them your feedback or post a comment on this blog post.  Lozano is a passionate coder and if your suggestion is aligned with creating a powerful, yet simple tool to small business owners, I have no doubt that they will implement it.

Sign me up for Lulo, now!

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