All posts tagged accelerator

  • Fifth week at Socialatom Ventures

    TropicalGringo_JaverianaWe just finished the fifth week at Socialatom Ventures and now the teams are focused on getting results (or traction).  A number of the companies have changed their focus and are starting to validate their new assumptions (or hypotheses). Also, we’re starting to practice longer pitches as we get ready for our trip to New York City (NYC). We’re all traveling Thursday night and have a meetup lined up already on Friday night.

    On Wednesday, I gave a presentation at one of the local colleges called Javeriana University.  I really thank my friend Carlos Vanegas, an experienced entrepreneur and excellent writer, for inviting me to speak as it was a rewarding experience.  It also got me out of my comfort zone of taking while using my favorite crutch (slides) as I had to speak off-the-cuff about what brought me to where I am today.  My favorite part of the night was the question and answer period where I got to hear what the students most had on their minds (e.g., how to find a technical cofounder, where to spend the little money they have, etc.).

    Carlos_Vanegas_SocialatomDuring our Wednesday midnight progress meeting (after my presentation) with all twelve startups, Carlos was able to join us. He heard everyone’s pitches and gave his feedback.  AddArturo_Noriega_TropicalGringoitionally, we told the startups in advance that the startups that Carlos saw the most potential in would be highlighted on his blog, which gets approximately twenty thousand visitors a month.  Fortunately, Carlos was impressed with quality of the startups and chose more than one about which to write.

    Aside from that, I got to see my new friend Arturo Noriega, founder and Executive Director of Centro Community Partners, a nonprofit that provides business training to under served entrepreneurs.  Arturo had reached out through email and I met him for the first time last week at our accelerator.  Aside from being impressed by the work he’s done around the world to help people become more successful, I enjoyed hearing him recount his meetings with his professor and mentor, Peter Drucker, who I admired immensely.  It was great seeing him again this week after his trip to Pasto and Quito, Ecuador.  He’s a great role model not just as a professional, but as a human being.

  • Socialatom Ventures ends first week with Hackathon

    Socialatom Ventures kick-offWell, it’s been quite a week.  We kicked off the Socialatom Ventures startup program on Monday with 12 initial companies.  Andres Barreto (co-founder of OnSwipe), one of my partners, has been here in Bogota and it’s been great for the startups getting his point of view on their individual startups.  He’s not only got experience with his own startups, but has been contributing quite a bit to the Latin American ecosystem in general.

    Some of the startups are going through a government “consolidation” program called AppsCo where the Ministry of Telecommunications and other incubators besides us had a hand in selecting the specific companies.  Additionally, there are two other companies that we selected and invested in (thanks to our partner NXTP Labs) and will be doing all we can to accelerate the growth of all of these companies in the coming three months and a half.

    During our one-on-one meetings with each startup, we try to get them to take a serious look at what they’re doing and how they’re going about doing it.  Andres has been instrumental in getting everybody to “think big.”  A tool that we are using to reinforce this is the New York City trip we’ve planned with some pretty amazing mentors.

    Socialatom Ventures Wednesday night meetingOn Wednesday, we had our first status meeting at 10:10pm in the evening.  We chose this date and time for the progress meeting for a number of reasons with one of these being that of inculcating the reality of startup culture into the founders.  Each startup pitches and also provides status on milestones in order to make sure they are learning and progressing.

    It’s great to see the amount of activity in the Colombian startup ecosystem although there’s still a long way to go to even be on a par with the Brazilian and even Argentinian ecosytems.  It’s great to work on this acceleration phase.  Two years ago, when I first brought the Founder Institute, a pre-idea incubator,  I saw (and still see) a major need for a program that could help founders develop their ideas into viable companies (that can later get “accelerated” if necessary).  Accelerators such as Wayra and Socialatom Ventures really need a wider selection of companies from which to select their startups.

    Socialatom Elite HackathonAs if all of this wasn’t enough, it’s Sunday evening and I’m sitting here at Socialatom Ventures at a great Hackathon that Andres set up with some of our developers and host of other talented developers who were handpicked to participate.  There are a number of interesting project such as a platform for asking mayors from different cities questions to a simple gifting app based on Facebook likes.  In general, we’ve done everything we know to get these startups in the right frame of mind to accelerate their progress.