All posts tagged processmaker

  • Será gran semestre del Founder Institute Bogotá

    Brian Reale Founder InstituteDespués de liderar cinco semestres del Founder Institute en Colombia, ya puedo ver que este abril comenzaremos un gran semestre del Founder Institute en Bogota.  La razón que digo esto es que anoche tuvimos un evento en las oficinas de Microsoft Colombia con una presentación contundente por parte de Brian Reale, CEO de ProcessMaker.  Brian ha construido un startup con mas ochenta empleados en Colombia y Bolivia con ventas de su producto de software en todo el mundo y nos compartió su trayectoria de ser empleado a ser emprendedor.

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  • A word about chemistry

    TropicalGringo chemistry

    Yesterday was a particularly good day.  I was able to get some work done in the morning to help one of the startups I advise and then spent the rest of the day sharing meals and drinks with entrepreneurs and investors who are becoming good friends. One of these, whom I’ve known for a number of years now, Mike Hennessey, was sharing his views on chemistry and the importance of this in relationships between investors and entrepreneurs and I couldn’t agree more.

    Incredibly, when I awoke this morning, I read a post by famous investor, Fred Wilson, on just that topic.  Great minds think alike – I’m talking about Mike here. :) In the post, Fred talks about the importance of getting to know entrepreneurs (and visa versa) since a lot of the value that an investor provides will depend on maintaining a good relationship with said founder.

    Broadening the discussion on chemistry a bit, I must say that since making the switch to the “startup world” (some would say at too late a stage in my life), I have felt much more “chemistry” with the people involved.  This isn’t to say that I’m not aware that there are some people who don’t care for “moi” (I can be a pain in the neck), but I really admire entrepreneurs in general and, especially strong ones.  I kind of think that that admiration for these founders is at the core of any chemistry that might engender in the process between myself and them.

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