All posts tagged fintech

  • Talking Fintech and remembering that life is precious.

    Mexico 2017 QuakeAs anyone who knows me or reads this blog knows, I’m passionate about startups and think a lot about how digital innovation is changing the world.  Nevertheless, last week, while awaiting my turn to go on stage at a Fintech event, I experienced a 7.1 level earthquake that shook Mexico city on the September 19th. My heart goes out those affected by this tragedy. Though my hotel was left standing the above picture shows that it did not escape damage.   For me, this event served as a stark reminder of how fragile life is and how, in an instant, one’s world can be rocked and how precious life and life’s blessings (e.g., one’s children) really are.

    That said, I decided to write a post about some general thoughts that were going through my head as I was preparing to take the stage.  I was to be a part of a panel discussion on the state of Latin American Fintech startups and the startup ecosystem.  I was hoping for a lively discussion.  Though a post can’t take the place of such a discussion, I think it will be cathartic to express some of my views here.

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  • Digital Transformation Up Close and Personal

    Openpay-officeA year ago, I joined the New Digital Business group within BBVA, a large global bank actively transforming its business. Several weeks ago, we publicly announced the acquisition of digital payments startup Openpay, the culmination of a project that myself and a great boss within said business unit worked on during the last year. I’m looking forward to the huge impact that Openpay (see filtered photo of HQ above) and its impressive founders, Roberto Bargagli, Eric Núñez and Heber Lazcano will have on BBVA’s digital business.

    I’m actually writing this post from Queretaro, where this company is headquartered and I have the good fortune to work with them as part of BBVA. Finding and acquiring a high-quality startup such as Openpay speaks to the opportunities (particularly, in terms of acquisitions – only one tool) available for digital transformation in Latin America. I’d like to use this post to share some general opinions about digital innovation and the ensuing business transformations that corporations are going through as well as some insights about the Latin American startup scene.

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  • Bitcoin y el negocio de la Banca

    Tropicalgringo Bitcoin

    El pasado viernes fui amablemente invitado y tuve la oportunidad de hablar en el Centro de Innovación de BBVA sobre como la innovación digital esta transformando la industria financiera.  Dentro de este contexto, hay una tecnología que puede tener un impacto particularmente fuerte y es el de las criptomonedas y mas específicamente, Bitcoin.  Dicha criptomoneda funciona gracias a algunos componentes innovadores uno de los cuales es un una especie de base de datos (ledger) distribuida llamada el Blockchain.  Queria escribir un blog post sobre esta experiencia (mi conferencia) é includir mis diapositivas para los interesados (ver abajo). 

    Me encanto ver una buena cantidad de personas de la creciente comunidad de emprendedores y emprendedoras (muchos enfocados en las criptomonedas).  Tambien hubo una buena cantidad de empleados de BBVA interesados en inovacion y en Bitcoin y Blockchain.  Puse como objetivo el de poder transmitir el gran poder de estas tecnologias para cambiar las reglas de juego.  Como prueba de si logre mi cometido mencione que deberian salir con muchas mas preguntas (Ej., “puedo usar esta tecnologia para resolver X problema?”, “esto como puede cambiar el negocio de Y industria?”, etc.) que respuestas.

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