All posts tagged amazon

  • Once again, will Amazon buy Twitter?

    Amazon-TwitterAlmost 10 years ago, I sent an opinion piece to an online magazine called VentureBeat.  Though I cringe, now, at my writing style (e.g., ambiguous and, at times, convoluted grammar), I still believe that the principle idea makes sense: Amazon should buy Twitter.

    For some reason, the title ended up talking about a “partnership.”  Nonetheless, my thesis had to do with taking advantage of Amazon’s (and AWS’) operational “chops” so that anyone leading Twitter could focus on its strategic value.  The additional value of connecting AWS developers with one more (or several) Twitter API’s within the same infrastructure would also be of great benefit.  I still see synergies here, particularly as AI generated tweet engines continue to proliferate.

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  • My speech at eNet Expo on the digital opportunities in Latin America

    TropicalGringo eNetExpoYesterday, I had a great time as a panelist for eNet Expo.  Also, it was such a pleasure to be on the stage with Dan Gertzacov, CEO Americas of Lenddo.  He’s a cool guy whose advice I value on many matters.  During the panel discussion, we spoke about the opportunities in Colombia and Latin America from an investment perspective as well as the obstacles.  We had a great moderator in Marcos Pueyrredon who is an accomplished entrepreneur and investor.

    Before our panel, I was able to hook up with a lot of my colleagues here in Latin America and also meet interesting entrepreneurs from so many different countries such as France, Spain, Chile and Argentina.  I really like to present my perspective and thesis on the industry in front of large groups of people, but it’s tough to beat meeting amazing entrepreneurs in person.

    For instance, I was able to quickly chat with Alberto Pardo, CEO of Ads Movil.  A few months ago, Alberto took the company that he founded, Millenial Media and joined forces with Ads Movil, which is backed by the Cisneros Group.  Since then, they’ve accelerated their growth in an incredibly exciting, but competitive market for mobile ads.  Alberto, who likes to be called “Banano”, knows how to get things done and it’s a real pleasure to talk when the opportunity lends itself.

    There were other companies at the event such as my friends from Medellin at ComprandoFacil who not only help merchants get online, but also sell merchandise through their own store.   Aside from being a great group of guys, the recently launched and are already experiencing amazing growth in both business lines.  Exciting stuff.  I also got to see Andres Murcia, CEO of Saberes Plus who went through the accelerator program I run and is building a comprehensive library of educational content that parents and schools can purchase online. The founders of Yoky were also there, which are going through the acceleration program I’m running right now and are offering fashion retailers access to two managed channels: 1. eCommerce and 2. a specialized direct, commision-based sales force.   Lastly, it was great to see Carolina Cruz from WomyAds, a graduate of the Incubator I run called Founder Institute and who is building a reputation and influencer platform across all of Latin America.  These are all companies to watch and it’s always great to talk with them.  I topped the day off with an appearance on my favorite show called Martes de Marcas with two incomparable hosts! :)

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  • Facebook con $1.000M en Ganancias Este Año?

    Facebook EconomyEstuvo leyendo uno de mis blogs favoritos, GigaOm, sobre documentos sobre las finanzas de Facebook que salieron a luz recientemente.  Aunque la empresa generó $77 millones en ganancias en el 2010, podría generar hasta $1.000 millones de dolares este año.

    TechCrunch hasta publicó una tabla mostrando de donde vienen los ingresos de la compañia y me sorprendió la cifra de $75 millones de dolares como “run rate” de objetos virtuales porque yo pensaba que la cifra era aún mayor. Mientras tanto, es interesante que, mientras Facebook sigue sin estar en la bolsa, se rumora que Linkedin saldrá a bolsa este año.

    Hay una citacion interesante al final del articulo de GigaOm de un analista de Piper Jaffray quien dice que Facebook sigue quitandole ingresos de publicidad a Google.  Hay muchos que piensan que Google tiene que hacer algo para contrarestar la creciente importancia de Facebook incluyendo a un analista que, interesantemente, piensa que  Google debería comprar a Amazon!

    Finalmente, no sólo es Facebook, sitios como Quora para preguntas y respuestas y Groupon en compras grupales para establecimientos locales, están creciendo mucho gracias al compoenente social.  Muchos se preguntan si Google cedió este espacio a Facebook y otros o si su producto Googleme va posicionarlos mejor dentro de este espacio.

    Abajo hay una version mas grande del Infographic de VisualEconomics sobre la economia de Facebook:

    Facebook Economy

  • Facebook to Generate $1B in Profits This Year?

    Facebook EconomyI was just reading in one of my favorite blogs, GigaOm, about documents unearthed because of Goldman Sachs’ investment in Facebook. Though the Facebook seems to have generated about $77 million in net income this year, it could generate as much as $1B in profits next year.

    TechCrunch even published a table showing their different revenue line items. I was actually surprised by the $75M run rate for virtual goods that, although substantial, was lower than I had thought it would be.  It’s interesting to note, also, that while Facebook stays private, Linkedin is rumored to soon go public.

    There’s an interesting quote at the end of the GigaOm article from a Piper Jaffray analyst stating that Facebook continues to take advertising revenue away from Google.  There’s definitely a lot of conjecture about what Google should be doing in regards to social media.  One of their own VPs actually made a statement to the effect that they’re letting Facebook take over that space.  Talking more about Google, I found a recent article by David Linthicum quite interesting.  In that article, he talks about why Google should acquire Amazon!

    Finally, it’s not only about Facebook, other sites like Quora and Groupon are growing rapidly thanks to their social component.  Many ask if Google has ceded this space to Facebook and others or whether their GoogleMe product might better position them in this space.  What do you think? Will “social” increase or decrease Google’s relevance over time or is that the wrong question to ask?

    Below is a larger version of the Facebook Economy Infographic from VisualEconomics:

    Facebook Economy